Drivers Hp Laserjet 1000 Series Para Windows 7

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  1. Driver Hp Laserjet 1000 For Windows 7 32 Bit
  2. Hp Laserjet 1000 Windows 7 32 Bit Universal Driver

HP as a company pointing out their environmental sensitivity and customer oriented business I am very much disappointed that I have to abandon a perfect running device or just stay with the OS i have now. I did not find even a generic driver to run eventuallysomehow limited.I can not accept the explanation that other manufacturers act the same way, as it is simply not the truth and to easy to sneak out of the responsibility towards customers.Even so MS is not directly responsible, it has an effect on their business as well. Therefore, there should be interest to emphasize the importance of above issue and find a solution with manufacturers. There are a number of LJ 1000 series drivers available in Windows 7. If your exact model is not listed, click on 'Windows Update' at the bottom of the page, wait for the drivers to show, and see if it's listed now.

If not, try one of the similar ones to seeif it works.If you have Windows 7 32-bit, you can download the XP drivers for it and install them in compatibility mode. That may give you more functionality than you currently have if none of the native Win7 drivers work.One thing you have to remember is that the 1000 series is an OLD printer (technology-wise). It's at least 8 years old, and no company can be expected to create or update drivers or firmware for something that old. I'm sure it's a perfectly good printer foryour needs (or you would have replaced long ago), but what you're asking just isn't feasible.

I can't even get Windows 7 drivers for my 18 month old Gateway laptop. Talk about lack of support!I hope you can get it working. I know the frustration of not being able to use a perfectly good piece of equipment just because of a new OS. I had a perfectly good HP printer when I upgraded from ME to XP, and lost most of the functions on it. The one Ihave now (HP PSC 2355v AIO) has native Win7 drivers, but I can get better functionality out of it by leaving it connected to my XP desktop PC and sharing it on my home network.SC Tom-There's no such thing as TMI when asking for tech support.

On Tue, 5 Oct 2010 12:35:12 +0000, Sam Luescher wrote:HP as a company pointing out their environmental sensitivity and customer oriented business I am very much disappointed that I have to abandon a perfect running device or just stay with the OS i have now. I did not find even a generic driver to run eventuallysomehow limited.I can not accept the explanation that other manufacturers act the same way, as it is simply not the truth and to easy to sneak out of the responsibility towards customers.Although not all manufacturers act identically, it is generally truethat, especially if the hardware is older, it may well be that themanufacturer has decided that it's not worth his time and effort todevelop drivers for hardware that he is no longer selling.Ken Blake (MS MVP)Ken Blake - Microsoft MVP since October 2003.

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