Bhagwati In Defence Of Globalization Pdf - Download Free Apps

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In the passionate debate that currently rages over globalization, critics have been heard blaming it for a host of ills afflicting poorer nations, everything from child labor to environmental degradation and cultural homogenization. Now Jagdish Bhagwati, the internationally renowned economist, takes on the critics, revealing that globalization, when properly governed, is in fact the most powerful force for social good in the world today. Drawing on his unparalleled knowledge of international and development economics, Bhagwati explains why the 'gotcha' examples of the critics are often not as compelling as they seem. Subject categories.ISBNs. 939.

078. 967In The Press'An outstandingly effective book. Until further notice In Defense of Globalization becomes the standard general-interest reference, the intelligent layman's handbook, on global economic integration.' - The Economist 'Once again, Columbia University economist Jagdish Bhagwati has weighed into the increasingly partisan and ideological debate over trade, offshore outsourcing and globalization.

In Defense Of Globalization Chapter Summary And Analysis

And once again, it is worth listening to. What's most important about this book is its caution about globalization -namely, that it has to be managed, both in terms of how quickly it proceeds and what policies are put in place to reduce its unpleasant economic and social side effects.' - Washington Post 'Bhagwati combines the hard-nosed perspective of a liberal on trade and investment with the soft-hearted sensitivities of a social democrat on poverty and human welfare. He thus has an admirable ability to address patiently and sympathetically globalization's well-meaning but wrong-headed critics. A cogent, erudite, and, indeed, enjoyable discussion of economic globalization and its discontents.' - Foreign Affairs 'One of the world's leading international trade theorists. Bhagwati takes on many antiglobalist arguments, showing them to be overblown or groundless.

The lot of women and children improves with the opening of markets, and the environment too, not to mention the chances for democracy. Accessible and clearly argued. There is, one might say, a wealth of material on every page.'

-Bruce Bartlett, The Wall Street Journal 'An important contribution to an often incoherent debate. As we expect of Mr. Bhagwati, it is cogently argued and well written. It sets out a persuasive case in favor of globalization. And because of Mr. Bhagwati's impeccable credentials, there is a better chance his book will be given a fair hearing than might be the case with some other authors. Put simply, Mr.

Bhagwati has 'street cred'.' -Anne Krueger (Acting Director of the IMF), Financial Times 'Critics of globalization will find a few things to admire in Bhagwati's outlook. He limits his defense of globalization to trade, direct investment and migration. The book's short chapter on capital markets echoes many of the concerns of globalization's critics. Bhagwati forcefully denounces 'the Wall Street-Treasury Complex' that cajoled developing countries into eliminating capital controls.

His charming cosmopolitanism will also allay the fears of critics convinced that economists are incapable of appreciating non-economic values. Literary references flow from the pages, from Lady Murasaki to King Lear to Woody Allen.' Drezner, New York Times Book Review 'In this elegant book, one of the world's preeminent economists distills his thinking about globalization for the lay reader.

Armed with a wit uncharacteristic of most writing on economics and drawing on references from history, philosophy and literature as well as some 'state of the art econometric analysis,' he sets out to prove that the antiglobalization movement has exaggerated claims that globalization has done little good for poor countries. This is a substantial study that is as about as enjoyable and reassuring a work of economics as may be possible to write in this uncertain age.' - Publishers Weekly 'Mr. Bhagwati slams through fact after fact, statistic after statistic, demolishing those who claim the poor are worse off because of globalization. He warns that many problems of poor countries are self-inflicted, such as trade barriers against one another. Bhagwhati doesn't get a much deserved Nobel Prize for economics, he should get one for literature.

His writing sparkles with anecdotes and delightful verbal pictures.' -Mike Moore, New York Sun 'Does the international market economy worsen poverty in developing countries?

Does it erode democracy? Hurt the cause of women?


Trash the environment? Exacerbate the exploitation of child labor? Bhagwati's answers to all these questions make for a supremely worthy read.'

- Business 2.0 Magazine '.an excellent and even-handed analytic description of globalization and its side-effects for economists and even non-economists.' - Eastern Economic JournalAbout The AuthorJagdish Bhagwati is University Professor at Columbia University and Senior Fellow in International Economics at the Council on Foreign Relations. He writes frequently for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Financial Times and is the author of Free Trade Today, The Wind of the Hundred Days: How Washington Mismanaged Globalization, and A Stream of Windows: Unsettling Reflections on Trade, Immigration, and Democracy. He lives in New York City.

In Defense of Globalization is an excellent supplemental, required reading for 101 textbooks such as by Greg Mankiw and Paul Krugman. The book is written in an accessible style while not sacrificing the rigor that is necessary for students interested in proper economic analysis.More on:Thus, while the entire book can be assigned for this purpose, the instructor can usefully pair the standard chapters in the 101 text with specific chapters in the book. For instance, on international trade analysis, the relevant chapters in the book include Chapter 5 on 'Poverty: Enhanced or Diminished.' In addition, the book contains a unique discussion (pp. 186–189) of trade in bads, not just trade in goods (and services)—an issue that students are bound to run into as they face the daily discussions of trade issues in newspapers.Similarly, when students deal with direct foreign investment or multinational corporations, Chapter 12 in the book ('Corporations: Predatory or Beneficial?'

) provides a necessary supplement to the analysis in standard 101 texts by considering whether multinationals exploit their workers—a question which is often uppermost in students' minds as they, for instance, confront campus agitations against sweatshops. Issues such as corporate social responsibility, again uppermost in many undergraduates' minds, are also discussed systematically and can be assigned to stimulate and hold the students' interest by demonstrating how economic analysis can help address these questions effectively.Chapter 7 on 'Women: Harmed or Helped? ' examines the evidence on gender issues and includes empirical and analytical discussion of phenomena such as the narrowing of gender pay inequality due to globalization. Similarly, in Chapter 6 several econometric and analytical studies on child labor and how trade affects it in poor countries will demonstrate to undergraduate students the power of economic analysis in addressing a burning question of the day. Environmental discussions from standard 101 textbooks can also be supplemented with Chapter 11 ('Environment in Peril?' ), which analyzes the current critiques of trade, foreign investment, and growth by environmentalists.

Bhagwati In Defence Of Globalization Pdf - Download Free Apps

In all these chapters, and others such as on gradualism versus shock therapy, the book offers nuanced arguments so that students are exposed to different arguments and learn how to use economic analysis to analyze them and reach their own conclusions. This should attract students to economics by showing how the abstract principles they learn are not sterile exercises but can be used to analyze pressing problems that they confront on campuses and in public policy on a daily basis. Development EconomicsAll of the above applies to undergraduate courses in development and international economics.

Here, the issues raised in the book are even more directly connected to whatever content a course might have. The book offers chapters that analyze the most important issues that are now of concern in developmental economics.More on:GlobalizationThis applies equally to undergraduate courses, now frequent, on globalization.

Bhagwati In Defence Of Globalization Pdf - Download Free Apps Free

I have used the book as the principal text for a 175-student course in Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs, and the reaction was strongly favorable. Many students said the book and the course encouraged them to explore different arguments and taught them how to evaluate those arguments, whereas other courses often offered conclusions rather than arguments. International TradeThe book can also be used as a supplement in courses addressed only to international trade. Since this book deals with what might be called the broadly 'social' consequences of globalization, mainly trade, it is usefully supplemented with the paperback edition of my book Free Trade Today (Princeton University Press, 2002), which addresses—again in simple language and in just three lectures—other more directly 'economic' questions such as the theoretical case for free trade, the postwar developments in the theory of commercial policy, and the questions concerning the relative merits of unilateral, bilateral and regional, and multilateral trade liberalization. Undergraduate Political Science Courses International Relations and DevelopmentAll that I have said above applies to undergraduate courses in political science.

Bhagwati In Defence Of Globalization Pdf - Download Free Apps 2017

In addition, these students should find relevant the discussions in the book on the rise of NGOs (Chapter 4), the reasons for the growth of anti-globalization (Chapter 1), and the proposals for 'appropriate governance' to manage globalization (the last third of the book). Public Policy Masters Programs International Affairs, Human Rights, and DevelopmentThese courses draw students from several disciplines; thus, accessibility of style, rigorous analysis, and societal relevance of the issues discussed are necessary in the books the students use. In Defense of Globalization meets such criteria. For example, human rights teachers will find an analysis of corporate social responsibility; the Alien Torts Act; and issues such as the effect of globalization on gender, on the environment, on poverty in poor countries, and on real wages and labor standards in rich countries. There are also chapters on democracy, child labor, and gender issues. Indeed, I had a great Socratic-style class with Michael Ignatieff, the eminent human rights intellectual, in his Kennedy School class where—based on my book and related materials—we discussed some of these very issues.