Microsoft Corp Hangs Vista

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Hi everyoneMy HP G60 Laptop (Vista) won't boot up. It 'hangs' on the Microsoft Corporation loading screen that has green bars in the load bar. It won't go into safe mode, and when it tries to 'repair' the problem it only gives me a list of what is wrong (technicalmessages) and it repeats the hang again. Aplikasi penangkap wifi untuk laptop accessories 1.

I can post a reply of those messages to you after this post.I knew it would fail soon, because it was running entirely too slow and it's only a year and a half years old. What upsets me is that I had finally earned enough money to purchase an external hard drive (it is also an HP) and when I tried to start up mylaptop, it did this! It worked a few days ago, too. I really want my personal data to be saved so any kind of complete clearance of my laptop data and such is not what I prefer.I am hoping to find a solution on here as to how to fix the problem, and if I do indeed need to take it to Best Buy, how much will it cost to repair it and is it worth the cost? Is there a cheaper place to get it?I understand I have many questions so please bear with me and thank you so much for taking your time to answer! Also I am not completely technologically efficient so if you prepare steps for me to follow please make sure they are simple to understand.Thank you!!!!!

Hi,Best chance to retrieve the data is to put the drive into another computer as a 2nd drive,or into an external USB case. Either way you should be able to copy the data to removablemedia such as CD, DVD, or USB drives.-References to Vista also apply to Windows 7.This is serious error and 'may' not be repairable without professional tech support froma real computer shop (not leeks and peeks at a BestBuy or other BigBox Stores) or yourSystem maker's Support.Go into Setup/Settings (BIOS/CMOS) often F2 as you boot so watch screen as you startup. Set theboot order to CD/DVD to use Vista disks.

Microsoft Corp Hangs Vista California

Hi,I've been having trouble getting my computer past the 'Microsoft Corporation' logo with a green bar scrolling across the screen.I've searched the forum and have found others who have had this problem. I've tried some of their suggestions but Windows ultimately doesn't want to work on my PC.I seemed at one point to have solved the problem, however my AVG security had been removed. When I got the AVG security functioning properly my computer started up a few more times, but now I'm right back where I started.Is there some way for me to just turn this thing on but not in 'Safe Mode'?

I getting sick and tired of trying to log in, or trying to figure out this problem.I wish I could just take my computer back to where I bought it, and get my money back. Unfortunately the warranty period has run out on my PC, so I'm stuck with it.I'm using Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit, I don't know if that makes any difference?Any suggestions would be appreciated.fq283.