Grewe Scanner Interface Professional Learning

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For the purposes of this site, the history of human interaction with information may be divided into 4 eras. The first (spoken) era ended with the invention of writing around 3000-4000 BC. The second era ended with the invention of the printing press in 1440. The third era ended, and the fourth began, with the invention of the Internet (depending how one defines its operational beginning) somewhere between 1969 and 1982. We now exist early, but decidedly, in the fourth era.All readers may not agree with this interpretation of the history of information, especially with the division and numbering of the eras.

That is not the main point. Rather, it is that humankind presently exists in an era distinctly different from the one that preceded it - that in fact, this new era is accompanied with, and characterized by, a new - and quite different - information landscape.

This new Internet information landscape will challenge, disrupt, and overpower the print-oriented one that came before it. To find out what was happening inside classrooms where students learned the most from discussing controversial topics, McAvoy and Hess studied the work of 35 social studies, history, and government educators, some that used curriculum that focused on deliberation of controversial political issues and some that taught lecture style.

Then they compared the two types of teachers to see how they engaged students and what students learned.All of the teachers they studied had quite a bit of teaching experience, and the majority had degrees in history or political science. Out of this group, the researchers found 10 to 12 teachers they labeled “Best Practice teachers,” who conducted political discussions where students learned a lot and later showed indications of increased civic knowledge and engagement. These Best Practice educators held discussions of controversial topics at least once a week in class, were all politically aware and engaged themselves, and often shared that knowledge and enthusiasm with their students. 'I can say without a doubt that the students are learning in peace class are changing their lives. I see it in action every day. Kids tell me all the time about how they got angry or stressed during a test or a baseball game or a conflict on the playground and how they were able to use their mindful breathing skills to help them to calm down. Imagine what our world would be like if all children were taught to understand their own brains, regulate their own emotions and work out conflicts peacefully.

It has never been more important to prepare our children to create a more peaceful world.' Jim Lerman's insight:A great example of action research by a highly motivated educator - leading to a transformation of the culture of her school. Well worth reading. “Those who tell the stories rule the world.” This proverb, attributed to the Hopi Indians, is one I wish I’d known a long time ago, because I would have used it when teaching my students the craft of storytelling. With a well-told story we can help a person see things in an entirely new way.

We can forge new relationships and strengthen the ones we already have. We can change a law, inspire a movement, make people care fiercely about things they’d never given a passing thought.But when we study storytelling with our students, we forget all that. Or at least I did. When my students asked why we read novels and stories, and why we wrote personal narratives and fiction, my defense was pretty lame: I probably said something about the importance of having a shared body of knowledge, or about the enjoyment of losing yourself in a book, or about the benefits of having writing skills in general.I forgot to talk about the power of story. I didn’t bother to tell them that the ability to tell a captivating story is one of the things that makes human beings extraordinary. It’s how we connect to each other. It’s something to celebrate, to study, to perfect.

If we’re going to talk about how to teach students to write stories, we should start by thinking about why we tell stories at all. If we can pass that on to our students, then we will be going beyond a school assignment; we will be doing something transcendent.Now. How do we get them to write those stories?

I’m going to share the process I used for teaching narrative writing. I used this process with middle school students, but it would work with most age groups.Via. As part of eCampusOntario’s ‘Open at Scale’ initiative, Kyle Mackie Consulting Ltd. Was recently contracted to conduct an environmental scan of business-related open educational resources (OER). This environmental scan is meant to identify existing or soon-to-be released business-related OER that can be used in college- and university-level business courses by post-secondary institutions based in Ontario, Canada.Comment by Stephen Downes'This report overviews the availability of open educational resources (OER) for business. It surveys a fairly wide range of sources, 24 in all, finds a smallish set of results (169 openly-licensed textbooks, and 76 other resources, mostly aimed at introductory courses), and recommends a set of 16 textbooks that would get a person started on an education in business.

The authors note, 'a key finding of this environmental scan project isthe need for access to high-quality ancillary learning materials.' If we look at this report - and, for that matter, scan through the results offered by either federated search engines, such as The (MOM), or aggregation-based search engines, such as - you encounter what I think is the key weakness of the OER ecosystem, and that is that it is focused on institutional repositories, and thus overlooks the huge body of content (including everything I've ever done) outside the domain of these repositories.

How do we create equity not only of access but also of voice when the only resources we count are those contributed by already-established authors and institutions.' Description by Stephen Downes:'This is a detailed and useful look at Amazon's new Ignite platform selling teacher-produced learning materials ( a couple of weeks ago). C language reference pdf.

Grewe Scanner Interface Professional Learning Manual

'Amazon Ignite. Represents the next-stage instantiation of the brand ambassador and the teacher as micro-influencer,' writes Ben Williamson. 'Teachers are not contracted as platform ambassadors, but invited to become self-branded sellers in a competitive marketplace, setting up shop as micro-edubusinesses.' He also notes that 'Amazon Ignite is ‘invitation-only’ and as such makes highly consequential decisions over the kinds of content and resources that can be purchased and used.'

Jim Lerman's insight:The move by Amazon is rightfully identified as very significant for education/educators, and as a further move to privatize public education. 'The problem with tests is that you’re expected to know the answers.' I know that sounds strange. But through my long and at times painful education, I’ve come to some conclusions about how many of us learn, and it boils down to this: It’s a lot better, and more fun, to come up with a solution — to figure something out — than just to know which answer choice to select.' When I was in middle school, in Brooklyn, my education was mostly about answers.

I struggled a lot, and I was held back. Now I look back on those tough times with wonder. I could never have expected that I’d go on to earn an associate degree in electromechanical engineering from New York City College of Technology (NYCCT). I’m the first member of my family to make it this far, and I’m not stopping. I’ve now applied to a bachelor’s degree program in software engineering at NYCCT.' My turnaround started as I was finishing eighth grade. Two things I knew at that point: I wasn’t great at tests, and I loved technology.

With that in mind, my father and I looked at a list of schools. His approach was very simple: We’d focus on ones featuring the word “tech.”'That’s how we found P-Tech. It’s a public-private partnership in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. No one has to pass admissions tests to get in. I know this is a big issue in New York City, where admissions tests keep a lot of minority students out of elite public high schools, but this school didn’t have that barrier.' FREE DOWNLOAD'From DNA to voice tech, image recognition to the microbiome, biometrics to emotion detection – digital biology has been propelled to the forefront of culture as the desire for personalization increases in our society.

Consumers are starting to understand the value of their personal, biological data, as are organizations and policy makers. In this Culture Forecast, Precision Consumer 2030, sparks & honey and the World Economic Forum deliver key insights exploring the future of precision consumption: the opportunities, challenges and long-term implications of digital biology for consumers, business leaders and our society at large.' Jim Lerman's insight:Sparks & Honey is one of the leading cultural forecast organizations, utilizing its proprietary digital intelligence as well as human insight. I find their work very informative and highly professional. 'Every profession has its emotional highs and lows, and by no means is teaching unique in its swings from exuberant optimism to crushing negativity. For those in teaching, however, it is important to be mindful of those cycles, and to embrace the valleys of doubt as a counterpoint to the peaks of the “good days”.' The true beauty of teaching lies in the incontrovertible fact that while each day will undoubtedly bring a flood of adversity, it is also guaranteed to bring triumph and some inner growth.'

Qualified and interested candidates are invited to apply for 2 positions currently available at the program in New York City:. (part-time). (full-time)These opportunities are ideal for recently retired educatorsImmigrant and first-generation youth daily confront the challenge to straddle a vast divide between the old and the new.

Starting a podcast has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. (I'll tell you why in a little bit.) In this complete tutorial, you're going to learn, step-by-step, how to start a podcast.Thank you to the thousands of people who have emailed me and also those who have let me know in person that this is the very tutorial that helped you get started. That's why I do what I do, so let's get right to it!Jim Lerman's insight:Here's an from the NY Times about Flynn and the remarkable success he has enjoyed from his podcast and related social media.

This tutorial is excellent. BUY REAL QUALITY PASSPORTS, VISAS, DRIVER LICENSE, GREEN CARDS, ID CARDS, BIRTH CERTIFICATE, IELTS, TOEFL We offer only original high-quality passports, driving licenses, identity cards, visas, birth certificatesAnd other products for a number of countries such as:USA, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, SouthAfrica, Spain, Great Britain etc.To get the additional information and order, visit our website: General support: WHATSAPP NUMBER  +1(317)210 1175.

BUY REAL QUALITY PASSPORTS, VISAS, DRIVER LICENSE, GREEN CARDS, ID CARDS, BIRTH CERTIFICATE, IELTS, TOEFL We offer only original high-quality passports, driving licenses, identity cards, visas, birth certificatesAnd other products for a number of countries such as:USA, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, SouthAfrica, Spain, Great Britain etc.To get the additional information and order, visit our website: General support: WHATSAPP NUMBER  +1(317)210 1175. BUY REAL QUALITY PASSPORTS, VISAS, DRIVER LICENSE, GREEN CARDS, ID CARDS, BIRTH CERTIFICATE, IELTS, TOEFL We offer only original high-quality passports, driving licenses, identity cards, visas, birth certificatesAnd other products for a number of countries such as:USA, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, SouthAfrica, Spain, Great Britain etc.To get the additional information and order, visit our website: General support: WHATSAPP NUMBER  +1(317)210 1175. 'The start of the new year marks the beginning of another National Mentoring Month, the largest-scale mentoring campaign nationwide. This National Mentoring Month will reflect on the growth of the mentoring movement, recognize successful real-life mentoring relationships, and offer another opportunity to thank the mentors who have inspired all of us. To engage with this campaign, check out our National Mentoring Month Toolkits, which provide guidance on the most impactful ways you can lend your voice to the mentoring movement!' Jim Lerman's insight:Great mentoring resources at this site of the National Mentoring Partnership. 'In PBL, our learning goals target both content and skill development'And thinking about skills is one of the easiest ways to deploy a more cross-curricular element to any unit.

After all, every unit should be focused on content, on standards and learning targets, but it also must be focused on the communication of that content. That’s where writing comes in.'

Once you get an idea of what content students will be learning, whether it be financial literacy or The Great Gatsby, it’s time to think about how students will communicate it. Maybe that means an oral presentation or a website or an ad campaign. Whatever that authentic product is, for whatever authentic audience you and your students deem applicable, you have to use writing to coach students to get there.' BUY REAL QUALITY PASSPORTS, VISAS, DRIVER LICENSE, GREEN CARDS, ID CARDS, BIRTH CERTIFICATE, IELTS, TOEFL We offer only original high-quality passports, driving licenses, identity cards, visas, birth certificatesAnd other products for a number of countries such as:USA, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, SouthAfrica, Spain, Great Britain etc.To get the additional information and order, visit our website: General support: WHATSAPP NUMBER  +1(317)210 1175.

Grewe Scanner Interface Professional Learning Training

BUY REAL QUALITY PASSPORTS, VISAS, DRIVER LICENSE, GREEN CARDS, ID CARDS, BIRTH CERTIFICATE, IELTS, TOEFL We offer only original high-quality passports, driving licenses, identity cards, visas, birth certificatesAnd other products for a number of countries such as:USA, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, SouthAfrica, Spain, Great Britain etc.To get the additional information and order, visit our website: General support: WHATSAPP NUMBER  +1(317)210 1175. Comment by Stephen Downes:'Campus Technology has picked up on the MOOCs-in-China story. 'Unlike the focus in the United States on delivering a university-caliber education to people who are out of school, in China, MOOCs are specifically targeted to university students as a means for improving 'equity in higher ed.' According to Wu Yan, who leads China's Higher Education Department, 'MOOCs are critical to reform China's traditional, cramming teaching model.' ' That makes the Chinese MOOCs closer to the original intent than anything that ever came out of Stanford.' 'This blog is based on a keynote Tom recently did for the Global Education Conference Network.

To watch that keynote,.' We’re a couple years into a new era, one where smart machines are rewiring the way we work, learn and play. Today’s high school students will see artificial intelligence help solve some of our most vexing problems—and pose significant risks.' The planet is heating up—we just experienced the hottest October on record—and the weather is becoming more chaotic.

The climate crisis, arguably the biggest challenge of our time, is reshaping lives and economies.The good news is that we know what to do and the tools for making a difference get better every month. Money flows to good ideas–in record amounts. About $250 billion in venture funding supported global startups this year and twice that was invested in U.S. Given this paradoxical level of challenge and opportunity, what are responsive schools doing to support learners in this remarkable and disconcerting time? While visiting more than 100 schools this year, we spotted 20 tips.'

Is set to become the world's first country to make all of its public transportation free. The newly re-elected prime minister Xavier Bettel and the coalition government have announced that they will lift all fares on trains, trams and buses next summer.


Taking aim at long commutes and the country’s carbon footprint, the new move hopes to alleviate some of the worst traffic congestion in the world'Landlocked by Belgium, Germany and France, has more than 400,000 commuters travelling in to work from neighboring countries. This year, started offering free transportation to everyone under the age of 20. Secondary school students have also been able to ride free shuttles between school and home. Currently has the highest number of cars for its population in the European Union.'

'America is a nation of entrepreneurs and innovators, and our economic vitality and national security depend on our sustaining that vibrant culture. Science, technology, engineering, mathematics—these are the fields in which our children need to be fluent. The STEM skills that only specialists have today will be expected of virtually everyone in the American workforce tomorrow.' Children are natural STEM students. They love to explore the properties of sand and water, to build towers (and knock them down), to count their Halloween candy or track sports statistics. We need to make sure that innate drive, curiosity and creativity aren't lost along the way.' That's why Newsweek, with its long history of reporting on scientific breakthroughs, technological revolutions and societal challenges, partnered with to rank America's Best STEM High Schools.

We found schools in every region of the country that offer skilled teachers who keep up with developments in these fields and who create dynamic learning environments to engage their students.' BUY REAL QUALITY PASSPORTS, VISAS, DRIVER LICENSE, GREEN CARDS, ID CARDS, BIRTH CERTIFICATE, IELTS, TOEFL We offer only original high-quality passports, driving licenses, identity cards, visas, birth certificatesAnd other products for a number of countries such as:USA, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, SouthAfrica, Spain, Great Britain etc.To get the additional information and order, visit our website: General support: WHATSAPP NUMBER  +1(317)210 1175. BUY REAL QUALITY PASSPORTS, VISAS, DRIVER LICENSE, GREEN CARDS, ID CARDS, BIRTH CERTIFICATE, IELTS, TOEFL We offer only original high-quality passports, driving licenses, identity cards, visas, birth certificatesAnd other products for a number of countries such as:USA, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, SouthAfrica, Spain, Great Britain etc.To get the additional information and order, visit our website: General support: WHATSAPP NUMBER  +1(317)210 1175. BUY REAL QUALITY PASSPORTS, VISAS, DRIVER LICENSE, GREEN CARDS, ID CARDS, BIRTH CERTIFICATE, IELTS, TOEFL We offer only original high-quality passports, driving licenses, identity cards, visas, birth certificatesAnd other products for a number of countries such as:USA, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, SouthAfrica, Spain, Great Britain etc.To get the additional information and order, visit our website: General support: WHATSAPP NUMBER  +1(317)210 1175.

Photo-induced processes are fundamental in nature but accurate simulations of their dynamics are seriously limited by the cost of the underlying quantum chemical calculations, hampering their application for long time scales. Here we introduce a method based on machine learning to overcome this bottleneck and enable accurate photodynamics on nanosecond time scales, which are otherwise out of reach with contemporary approaches. Instead of expensive quantum chemistry during molecular dynamics simulations, we use deep neural networks to learn the relationship between a molecular geometry and its high-dimensional electronic properties. As an example, the time evolution of the methylenimmonium cation for one nanosecond is used to demonstrate that machine learning algorithms can outperform standard excited-state molecular dynamics approaches in their computational efficiency while delivering the same accuracy.