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IMHO.I BEG TO DISAGREE to some posts. I cant believe there a people like this. HAZE is doing hell of a good job. He gives players what they want. I mean in general. Haze gave us V4P Donation like items, bet you didnt bother to say thanks to him and of courseWhat GMs have they're own lives you know. And people like you, a child, cant see the very good side of everything.And by the way you know the population of the server.

Why would you implement tons of castles for WOE.Do you know the reason of the crash? Of course you didnt. Because you only mind yourself.

Didnt you know that someone is hacking the server and it gave Haze tons of problems. You didnt even thank him for your 1 week stay.Who likes flaming??

Bet you like it when zeel is having a good job of destroying the forums eh? And is disrespectful to the staff and even to other players.GMs are very helpful in game. Even when they are in theyre legit characters.

Even they are not Support GMs. I can ask Haze stupid questions and he is soooo friendly he'd answer that! And he doesnt think highly of himself. He bonds with the players. I'm not HaZe but I will reply on my own behalf.Firstly and formost. If any player there would have gotten to know me, They'd know I don't enjoy getting into fights.

If you notice. I don't post outside of that flame topic which doesn't increase post count with anything that could be seen as negative toward anyone. If I have something I need to say, I shall say it.HaZe isn't very much of a people person, yes. But he's been making several attempts in trying to fix what has been done. No His words aren't always the best of choices, but I'm quite sure you've said things yourself to be 'over dramatic'.

From my guess Your upset at his rejection of the ideas, Which I'd be to, but He's his own subject.I am one of the 'staff' from there, yes. And Yes flame me as you will, but I stand by my feelings.


I don't really deserved to be reported on such a negative rating. You picked things from a 'Flame Topic' directly going after a reason to get someone in trouble.Note: Caution International Moderator Can NOT ban/unban anyone outside of the spanish section. So He was simply commenting that Zeel seemed to be unbanned yet again.I shall explain each of my 'accusations' in full for my own behalf.This first one I was telling the player they had a 'creative' way to flame their ex-boyfriend in which wasn't really all that 'nice' to do.The player hadn't actually made any other posts at all other then the disgraceful post they had made toward the kid, in taking his picture real life and making it to be much worse.Second: This picture is simply me telling the 'flamers' to get on topic and stop making the 'flame topic' a discussion board about some book. Without going 'off topic' myself.Thirdly:Zeel isn't the best player to have on your community. He had used another member's profile to post since his.WAS.

banned. And to prove a point, I used the relavance of Assassin's and the skill 'cloak' Note all still in the flame topic where flames are allowed and.only. in this topic.Fourth: If your saying this is 'bad' My brother is half retarded, Or as those in the government positions would say 'Mentally Challenged and Handicapped'. I was commenting on how Zeel and his buddies were raging on in there within an hour of that thread going 'up' it was nearly at 3-4 pages. So I made a comment in 'flame format' to fit the subject.Fifth: Kid went out of his way to directly attack another staff member. The member felt the need to post Note it was Zeel's friend or zeel on his friends account this outside of the 'flame topic' in which promptly was ended so the 'drama' wouldn't continue on.

The player also received a 'Warning' and was PM'd telling them not to try to 'flame' outside of the designated area.Six: How the heck is this even something to report? I'm defending art. I told Zeel before he went bashing on art websites and people's 'hard work and time' to get to know a site better then to utterly say it's an 'all anime' based website.Seven: Zeel has been reported here on RMS.

As well as on several communities. This was a topic letting the players know that this player was on his 'last chance's' with me and the patience of our community I find it ironic most of these posts are in a way-promoting the player Zeel As my posts were 'directed' toward him. Must be one of Zeel's friends Nine: I think someone left out '8' as they were trying to find something to even get me on.

Yet again Zeel was given a chance and he abused it. So He was restricted from posting/moderated posting/banned yet again As I was the fool that tried to be nice and was stabbed yet again by his lack of respect for the rules.Now, I might be 'out there' on some things I may have said, sure. But I stand firm on the fact I'm not a 'corrupt GM' Nor shall I be. So reporting me on this isn't really worth the time of day your probably spent on trying to make me look bad.I am not nor am I going to claim any say on anyone else on there who has been 'reported' But before you go trying to drag my name through any kind of dirt. Know where I stand.

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I will not, nor will I try to make a single player feel bad on something if they have not rightfully earned it. And quite frankly, Zeel has earned a lot of what he has received. As was posted in his report. Now you can give me bad karma if you want.

But I felt the need I should at least try to defend my own name.-Now On topic with the server itself. No some times Balance isn't the easiest thing to come by, and I agree some/most of the customs here are a bit-overly done. But As HaZe and I plus other members of the staff have tried to work on we now have a cute little developers section where we try to discuss things and make them fair for all players. You must keep in mind: This is a Super High Rate server. rates: 8000/8000/3000 Balance of customs is somewhat hard to find on anything, but donations are what really keep a server alive.

No It's not fair that pvp is wacked out or was till HaZe implemented the new vote for point items that would make some non-donation users still have a chance. It takes a longer time, sure, but the balance is trying to be worked out.The topic of 'Vote 4 points', Descent brought this up I believe, We don't 'force' our players to vote, we encourage it yes. As to many server I know of. Remove the RMS review thing if you wish it's doing some huge harm. I know of several servers that try to give their players a reason to do it, other then the 'Oh cool! I really just helped our admin!'


Note: The Voteing rewards does.not. effect the RMS reviews the server has. It's more aimed at 2 other websites. The RMS reviews are.not. rewarded in any way, shape or fashion other then 'Thanks!'

So, I'm sorry you may feel compelled as to try and make someones work depreciated. May not be the 'best' work, but time spent indeed.In relation to those 'Broken Rules' every one of them you posted up as 'BROKEN' related to the forum and not the game itself. Your pretty much rating a public forum and saying 'BROKEN'. Can you name a popular server that does not have 'single word posts' from people who can't read?

Or people getting angry at one another and saying something 'hurtful'? I will comment on this. You have not been on our 'community' very long at all to even try and get ahold of any of our staff. I have my contact information.everywhere., to the point I hand it out pretty freely. MSN, YM, Phone number, AIM. It's all up there on my profile as well as in several posts. I also offer it to those who ask for aid and/or can't get something working and wouldn't rather deal with the hassle of a forum.I don't know what your really trying to 'post' in a 'bad review' for someone who has been on the server for.looks up information.

Most of the pictures for Haze are his few replies in just one or two threads. I won't defend that he was wrong in such a reaction but it is rare.Caution is NOT a GM he is a forum mod. I am glad to see it was him who unbanned Zeel I'm sure this will be taken care of.I have never seen an active RO forum with out some form of OFFTOPIC flame section. All of alcoholics trashed pictures are out of this thread.Ellie & Rhiann are all also out of OFFTOPIC threads. Just because they are GMs does not mean they can't be people too.I will admit Haze is not the most tactful person in the world, but suggestion 5-6t often come up and get shotdown.

A simple search by the player would of revealed as such.The PvP in MVP room posts are again just tactless. Oh well.Its a shame to see my post used in such a manor, I had not yet played the server and was working on mechanical fact rather then trying my self.Donates are abit of a b. but they honestly do not hinder the decent player. Once i started back in and PVP'd i had no more trouble killing donators then non donators. The only thing that would honestly aid balance is more items with reflect single spells.The last part of this confuses me, you trash the server based on the forums but find nothing more devestating than 'The server will hiccup several times every hour, but the lag is only active for a second and a half.' And go on to say its not really significant.So the server is ok, just avoid the forums? HaZe here-You guys are all waiting for my answer, LMFAO PWNED!

I've been hosting RO servers for 5 Years, All have hit #1 including my newest baby, Im pretty used to flamers and whiners as you can see. I can see that you skipped all the good things and all the things i have done which is fine, im not gonna come here and say anything because it would be useless, try the server for 3 days see who is right and who is wrong.So here, go to my forums and check the announcements, lets see how 'useless and immature i am' - Go to the suggestions and see how most are implemented, all questions are answered in 5 min and all bugs are fixed before the community even knows about it. Say i'm wrong all you want, still will be #1 on all topsites and and this same website, why? Cause im just immature like that, i guess players like 'immature' admins that have the greatest ideas to entertain them.'

Truth of everything is whiners who only play a week don't know anything about us, feel free to visit our forums, server and see how things really are cause its honestly a waste to come and waste my words here.P.S.What do you think about HaZe? (your vote is private)He rocks!

56. 39.44%He's a good GM I guess 38. 26.76%He's iight 22. 15.49%he could do better 12. 8.45%He sucks.

8. 5.63%Who's haze? 6. 4.23%. Yeah its mainly targetting the forums. And there are ways to get donate items, trading and stuff like that. My friend did not have to donate he traded MVP cards for the donates.

If the person trys hard enough, then the items can be obtainable. Its all for fun anyways. I dont get why people like flaming a server because they, themselves, dont like people, like the staff. If they dont like it why the hell they still playing go somewhere else and leave this server at peace. Its kinda like stupid and childish to try to bring down a normal server because that one person doesnt like it.

Its too childish. But i mean man, people should stop complaining.we do our best to make it fun and people complain about it?! If they want to do nothing.

But complain then i think they need to get a life. GMs have a life too its not like, GMs can be on 24/7 helping everyone out. I mean even official servers, players rarely see a GM on. So what difference does it make with privates servers?

People like trying to ruin the fun for other people. If you dont like something just stop doing it and leave, dont start talking s. about it. Oh for the 3 years i play on official, I have never met a single GM. Even one other private RO that i used to play 2-3 years ago. Quote (04:39) J: theres a group of people that think you do webcam shows for reviews donations etcthey are then going to spread that rumor, and they also claim to have photographic evidence, as well as serveral player tesimonies as to you doing thisone of their goals is to have you, well i don't really know what they want to have happen to you but i can't imagen its all that nice(04:39) Tamsin: HAHAHAHAHA(04:40) Tamsin: OH GOD BRILLIANT(04:40) Tamsin: Hang on I gotta paste this in my server IRC. Offtopic: What can you say Tira?

Dreamer Ro Grf Google Docs

Apparently people love your sprites (I know I love the sun and moon rings, but that's besides the point.) Like, seriously, I can count at least five servers off the top of my head who've used them (not necessarily for donations, but has them, nonetheless.) I can't remember if any of them are posted under the Exclusives on RUNE, but even if they are, they're more than likely GRF rippers. Kind of sad.:Ontopic: Anyways. I just wanted to say one thing about HaZe and his job as an administrator.NOTE: This is NO WAY means I agree with what he's saying, because based off of those screens, I don't, at all, agree with the way he runs things.Some of you guys are saying that, in order to successfully run a server, you have to withhold a professional manner, at all times, and I absolutely, positively, disagree. To be a decent administrator (in my opinion) and run a successful server, you have know how to behave during each situation you're put through.

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It's not a crime to goof off with your friends as an administrator, or goof off in particular, however, I personally think there's a time and place for that. When it comes to the way he acted, yes, Kyu, you're completely right, he should have acted more professional, and at least pretended like he cared (should have cared either way) about what was going on. Speaking to your players that way, when they're trying to be serious about a situation, or speaking to your players that way (and meaning it) period, is not the way you should behave, but there's a huuuuge difference in goofing off when the time is right, and being just a straight out a., period, towards your players.Some players find it offensive, which is why there's a place and time for everything, and some players laugh it off. White blister on tonsil. However, being an administrator does not, in any way, shape, or form, mean you have to make some magical transition from being human, to a robot.I goof off with my players, but I also know how to be serious and professional, which is the way an administrator should be, and that, in no way, from what I've seen posted on this thread, is the way HaZe is acting. He is, in fact, from the proof (I can't be the judge unless I've actually witnessed it, this is going off of the proof posted here), being completely immature and unnecessary towards what his players are saying, and towards the situation, which is wrong.x: That's my three cents.

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